Primary LanguageOpenEdge ABL


Code for Hermite Polynomial Features for Private Data Generation (published at ICML2022)


Versions numbers are based on our system and may not need to be exact matches.

python 3.6
torch 1.3.1              
torchvision 0.4.2
numpy 1.16.4
scipy 1.3.1
pandas 1.0.1
scikit-learn 0.21.2
matplotlib 3.1.0 (plotting)
seaborn 0.10.0 (more plotting)
sdgym 0.1.0 (handling tabular datasets)
autodp 0.1 (privacy analysis)
backpack-for-pytorch 1.0.1 (efficient DP-SGD for DP-MERF+AE)
tensorboardX 1.7 (some logging)
tensorflow-gpu 1.14.0 (DP-CGAN)

Repository Structure

Comparison between HP features ans RF features (Fig 1)

Execute dp_mehp/error_comaprison_multiple_runs.py.

2D data (Fig 2)

Run dp_mehp/dp_mehp_synth_data_2d.py

Experiments on image data

To run DP-HP experiments, use the following commands:

  1. Obtain .npz files needed: run extract_numpy_data_mats() function in dp_mehp/aux.py

  2. Creating the generated samples and predictive models evaluation


  • python3 prod_and_sum_kernel_image.py --log-name *experiment name* --data digits -bs 200 --seed 0 --model-name FC -ep 10 -lr 0.01 --order-hermite-sum 100 --order-hermite-prod 20 --kernel-length-sum 0.005 --kernel-length-prod 0.005 --gamma 5 --prod-dimension 2 for the non-private case

  • python3 prod_and_sum_kernel_image.py --log-name *experiment name* --data digits -bs 200 --seed 0 --ep 10 --lr 0.01 --order-hermite-sum 100 --order-hermite-prod 20 --model-name FC --kernel-length-sum 0.005 --kernel-length-prod 0.005 --gamma 20 --prod-dimension 2 --split --split-sum-ratio 0.8 --is-private for $(1, 10^{-5})$-DP case


  • python3 prod_and_sum_kernel_image.py--log-name *experiment name* --data fashion -bs 200 --seed 0 --model-name CNN -ep 10 -lr 0.01 --order-hermite-sum 100 --order-hermite-prod 20 --kernel-length-sum 0.15 --kernel-length-prod 0.15 --gamma 20 --prod-dimension 2 for the non-private case

  • python3 prod_and_sum_kernel_image.py --log-name *experiment name* --data fashion -bs 200 --seed 0 --model-name CNN -ep 10 -lr 0.01 --order-hermite-sum 100 --order-hermite-prod 20 --kernel-length-sum 0.15 --kernel-length-prod 0.15 --gamma 10 --prod-dimension 2 --split --split-sum-ratio 0.8 --is-private for $(1, 10^{-5})$-DP case

  1. Repoducing Fig. 3 and Fig. 6

-Run code_balanced/plot_results.py that loads the results from different models from code_balanced/plots/ folder.

Experiments on tabular data

  1. Results in table 1. are obtained with dp_mehp/discretized_datasets.py

  2. Results in table 2. are obatained with dp_mehp/run_sum_prod_kernel_tabular_data.py