
Converts the color scheme of an rgb video to a new color map. Designed to process and colorize Schlieren effect videos.

Primary LanguagePython


Converts the color scheme of an rgb video to a new color map. Designed to process and colorize Schlieren effect videos.

montage of effects


ensure you have python3 and virtualenv installed

one these requirements are handled run the below code to set up a virtual-environment with all needed requirements

virtualenv venv --python=python3
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


like this:

python recolor.py --input test.mp4 --output out.mp4 --color 5 --window True

this will read from test.mp4, show a video on the screen using the colorscheme OCEAN, and save the output to out.mp4

you can use python recolor.py -h to see help


usage: recolor.py [-h] --input INPUT [--output OUTPUT] [--color COLOR]
                  [--window WINDOW]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --input INPUT    input file like input.mp4 (default: None)
  --output OUTPUT  output file like output.mp4 (default: None)
  --color COLOR    color theme choice, 0-11 0 cv2.COLORMAP_AUTUMN 1
                   cv2.COLORMAP_BONE 2 cv2.COLORMAP_JET 3 cv2.COLORMAP_WINTER
                   4 cv2.COLORMAP_RAINBOW 5 cv2.COLORMAP_OCEAN 6
                   cv2.COLORMAP_SUMMER 7 cv2.COLORMAP_SPRING 8
                   cv2.COLORMAP_COOL 9 cv2.COLORMAP_HSV 10 cv2.COLORMAP_PINK
                   11 cv2.COLORMAP_HOT (default: 2)
  --window WINDOW  show a window with the video (default: True)