Stuff to deal with mendeley. Use for great good, at your own risk!
- “works for me” on ubuntu 11.04, python 2.7, sqlalchemy 0.7.0
Basic class-db mappings to most of the useful tables in the Mendeley database (as of 2011-06-02)
is the main class.
entry = db_session.query(MDocument).filter_by(id = 1).one() print [file.localUrl for file in entry.files] print [contributor.getFullName() for contributor in entry.contributors] print entry.urls print entry.keywords print entry.tags print entry.doi print entry.pmid
- “works for me” on OS X, python 2.6, ruby 1.9
if you have a bunch of files linked inside BibDesk and want to save some time importing them into mendeley
use this script after you did File > open [your bibdesk file] from mendeley
if you have lots of dupes from the import, see will read through your bibdesk file and look for (pdf|PDF|xoj) files, try to find matching documents by title in your mendeley database
modify the regexp to detect other files like doc.
if it finds a match, and does not see a matching file hash in the sqlite db, it tries to insert it
the file hash in the mendeley db is simply a SHA1 on the binary data of the file
if you have multiple files, it says so, and doesn’t insert. you can easily modify it so that it does insert.
so after you modify the two paths:
- PATH_TO_BIBDESK_BIB = the .bib file
- PATH_TO_MENDELEY_DB = the .sqlite file, if you use a mac it should be /User/yourname/Library/Application Support/Mendeley Desktop/ (if you didn’t create an online account i think it’s called online.sqlite)
- also make sure you quit Mendeley Desktop before running!
- run python if you don’t supply the mendeley db path it will just read through the bib file and print out what it found
- reopen Mendeley, hopefully your files got linked!
- “works for me” on OS X, python 2.6, ruby 1.9
- “works for me” on ubuntu 10.10, python 2.6, ruby 1.9
Run this after syncing Mendeley’s sqlite db file to another machine so it finds the files
Documentation and ruby script is contained in the org file.