Python Flask application for future cash flow calculation and management.
- Ability to set schedule of recurring expenses and income
- Ability to manually set updated balance for the day
- List upcoming transactions (expenses/incomes) for next 60 days
- Hold transactions that have not yet posted on schedule
- Skip a future transaction from the transactions table
- Plot future cash flow out to up to 1 year
- Enable reading emails via IMAP to search for balance alerts from bank to automatically update balance
- User management with guest user access to view cash flow plot only
- Import/Export CSV of the schedule table
For Docker Support:
docker pull whahn1983/pycashflow:latest
docker run -d -p -v /mnt/data:/app/app/data --restart always --pull always --name pycashflow whahn1983/pycashflow:latest
For proper date management for the calculations, consider mounting the correct local time with
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
Also consider mounting the Flask Migrate folder to save your database migration files with
-v /mnt/migrations:/app/migrations
For manual Installation:
To install, clone the git repo onto your server. Leverage a WSGI server, like waitress or gunicorn, to run the flask application. Optionally leverage a reverse proxy with Apache or Nginx to the WSGI server. To support automatic database migrations, run flask-migrate commands to generate an initial version configuration. For the automatic balance updates with email, set up cron to execute on a regular schedule. Ensure your email account is properly configured under Profile in the flask application.
To update, pull the latest version from git. If database changes were necessary, leverage flask-migrate commands to migrate and update your database. Restart the service.
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