- Stages
- Raster Stage - G-Buffer Gen + Post Processing
- Ray Tracing Stage - Shaodw/AO/Indirect Illum Sampling
- Compute Stage - Spatio Temporal Resample
- Pipeline Diagram
G-Buffer Design
RGB A RT Position Hitness RT1 Albedo Roughness RT2 Normal Metallic RT3 Emissive Id RT4
Acceleration Struture
Rays per sample pixel
- [1 shadow] + [1 ao] + [1 secondary] + [1 secondary shadow] spp
Shadow Sampling Illustration
Indirect Illumination Sampling Illustration
- Shadow&AO Reconstruction
- Illumination Reconstruction
- install visual studio 2019
- modify the "cd D:\Repos\DX12-HybridPipeline" in GenerateProjectFiles.bat to your root
- run the GenerateProjectFiles.bat script to build the vs project