Making figures using ggplot2

Currently there is only one "final" figure created to illustrate relationship measured across multiple years (repeated measures). Hopefully there will be more at some point...

Repeated measures figure

I needed to create a figure to visualize the relationship between California bay laurel density and symptomatic leaf counts from 2004-2012. California bay laurel is the host of Phytophthora ramorum that is responsible for the majority of the pathogen spread. P. ramorum causes the disease sudden oak death in California & Oregon. More details on the disease, pathogen, and research efforts can be found at The pathogen is environmentally sensitive, so we expect for disease intensity to vary from year to year.

The complete set of steps is in slc_dens_fig.Rmd, with a truncated version of the code in supp_figure.Rmd. Either should produce a figure that looks something like this:

Leaf Symptoms vs. Stem Density of Bay Laurel