This project is implemented with modification from the Probability of Default
white paper published by the National University of Singapore. The intention is to build a binary classificaiton model to predict the credit default status given the relevant features identified
Remark: files saved in mlruns folder (mlflow artifacts and loggings) are omitted in the following diagram
|-- config|
| |-- catalog.yaml
|-- data
| |-- processed
| |-- processed_input.csv
| |-- raw
| |-- input.csv
|-- models
| |-- lgbm_model.pkl
|-- notebooks
| |-- scratchpad.ipynb
|-- output
| |-- best_param.json
| |-- confusion_matrix.png
| |-- feature_importance.png
|-- screenshots
| |-- Screenshot 2024-03-01 at 1.27.31 PM.png
| |-- Screenshot 2024-03-01 at 1.28.00 PM.png
| |-- Screenshot 2024-03-03 at 2.29.12 PM.png
| |-- Screenshot 2024-03-03 at 2.44.18 PM PM.png
|-- src
| |-- utils
| |--
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| |--
| |--
| |--
| |--
| |--
|-- tests
| |--
| |--
| |--
| |--
|-- .gitignore
|-- .pre-commit-config.yaml
|-- poetry.lock
|-- pyproject.toml
The relevant code can be found in the scratchpad.ipynb or (streamlit)
Category | Attribute | Description |
Macro-Financial Factors | Stock Index Return |
Trailing 1-year return of the primary stock market, winsorized and currency adjusted |
Macro-Financial Factors | Short-term Risk-Free Rate |
Yield on 3 month government bills |
Macro-Financial Factors | Economy-level Distance-To-Default for financial firms |
Median Distance-to-Default of financial firms in each economy inclusive of those foreign firms whose primary stock exchange is in this economy (Not applicable to China) |
Macro-Financial Factors | Economy-level Distance-To-Default for non-financial firms |
Median Distance-to-Default of non-financial firms in each economy inclusive of those foreign firms whose primary stock exchange is in this economy (Not applicable to China) |
Firm-Specific Attributes | Distance-to-Default (level) |
Volatility-adjusted leverage based on Merton (1974) with special treatments |
Firm-Specific Attributes | Distance-to-Default (trend) |
Volatility-adjusted leverage based on Merton (1974) with special treatments |
Firm-Specific Attributes | Cash/Total Assets (level) |
For financial firm’s liquidity - Logarithm of the ratio of each firm’s sum of cash and short-term investments to total assets |
Firm-Specific Attributes | Cash/Total Assets (trend) |
For financial firm’s liquidity - Logarithm of the ratio of each firm’s sum of cash and short-term investments to total assets |
Firm-Specific Attributes | Current Assets/Current Liabilities (level) |
For non-financial firm’s liquidity - Logarithm of the ratio of each firm’s current assets to current liabilities |
Firm-Specific Attributes | Current Assets/Current Liabilities (trend) |
For non-financial firm’s liquidity - Logarithm of the ratio of each firm’s current assets to current liabilities |
Firm-Specific Attributes | Net Income/Total Assets (level) |
Profitability - Ratio of each firm’s net income to total assets |
Firm-Specific Attributes | Net Income/Total Assets (trend) |
Profitability - Ratio of each firm’s net income to total assets |
Firm-Specific Attributes | Relative Size (level) |
Logarithm of the ratio of each firm’s market capitalization to the economy’s median market capitalization over the past one year |
Firm-Specific Attributes | Relative Size (trend) |
Logarithm of the ratio of each firm’s market capitalization to the economy’s median market capitalization over the past one year |
Firm-Specific Attributes | Relative Market-to-Book Ratio |
Individual firm’s market misvaluation/ future growth opportunities relative to the economy’s median level of market-to-book ratio |
Firm-Specific Attributes | Idiosyncratic Volatility |
1-year idiosyncratic volatility of each firm, computed as the standard deviation of its residuals using the market model |
Remark: One possible data quality issue could be that the min of total assets before scaling goes to negative.Having a negative total asset value would contradict the fundamental principle of what assets represent
- Certain trivial functions are omitted to save space
- Hyperparameter tuning through Optuna are done within the
function - For more details, please look at the docstring within each class and function
flowchart LR
subgraph Workflow
direction LR
subgraph Data_Processing
direction TB
filter_data_by_date -->one_hot_encode_categorical_columns -->winsorize_numerical_columns -->min_max_scale_numerical_columns -->add_auxliary_data
subgraph Modelling_Pipeline
direction TB
naive_timeseries_splitting -->remove_unwanted_features -->train_model -->create_model_with_best_params -->eval_model_performance -->get_feature_importance
Data_Processing -->Modelling_Pipeline
Schema validation on the input data using Pandera
- Checks if the input columns are of the correct dtypes
- Coerce if they are not, e.g., Date is stored as string instead of datetime/timestamp
Data Extraction from Yahoo Finance:
downloads the pricing data into a pandas dataframefill_missing_dates
creates a dataframe using the min and max of the input data as the range parameters. Merge with the pricing data fetched to fill dates which no transaction occurred.calculate_returns
Do a forward for the closing prices of the dates filled and then calculate the daily returnextraction_flow
connects the preceeding functions together in a flow
Data Processing class function:
filters out data prior to 2000s as recency bias is expected. It can also reduce the risk of data (distribution) drift.one_hot_encode_categorical_columns
applys encoding to the categorical variable industry classification code using pd.get_dummieswinsorize_numerical_columns
loops through all the column names, if they are of numeric in nature, apply winsorizationmin_max_scale_numerical_columns
applys min max scaling by initializing the MinMaxScaler from sklearn.preprocessing. It should not matter for variables that are already encoded.fetch_auxiliary_data
fetches the Oil (BZ=F) closing price from yfinance APIadd_auxiliary_data
merges the processed input dataframe with the Oil pricing data from Yahoo Financeprocess_flow
links all the preceeding steps together in a flow
Model Pipeline class function:
splits the training, validation and test dataset according to date range requirementsremove_unwanted_features
removes ["Company_name", "Date", "CompNo", "indicator"] from all the datasetstrain_model
Calls the hyperparametertuning class, tune the parameters based on the objective initialize the model with the best paramscreate_model_with_best_params
fits the model on training data and save it as a pickle fileeval_model_performance
calls the self.evaluate_set method to evaluate the model performance on both the validation and test setevaluate_set
outputs a metric dictionarygenerate_confusion_matrix
generates a confusion matrix and saves the plot to the output folderget_feature_importance
outputs the absolute feature importance, plots the bar chart and saves it to the output folderrun_pipeline
links all the preceeding methods together in a flow
Hyperparameter Tuner class function:
creates or gets an optuna experiment with assigned namelog_model_and_params
logs the model, params and metrics for each experimentobjective
defines the objective function, e.g. maximizing roc_auc or pr_auccreate_optuna_study
chains the preceeding steps together as an optuna workflow
Interpreting the acceptability of a PR AUC score should always be contextual, especially in scenarios involving highly imbalanced dataset where accurately predicting the minority class poses a significant challenge. Achieving even a modest improvement in PR AUC can be a difficult endeavor. Nevertheless, a low PR AUC score may still hold considerable value, particularly when evaluating the relative costs of false positives versus false negatives. In the realm of default prediction, overlooking a potential default (a false negative) can be significantly more detrimental than mistakenly flagging a loan as a risk (a false positive). The financial repercussions of failing to identify a default are substantial. Therefore, a model with a modest PR AUC that nonetheless manages to enhance the detection of actual defaults (improving recall) compared to a basic model which overemphasize on accuracy can offer critical insights and lead to better outcome. Recognizing the limitations of both the model and the data, integrating the expertise of subject matter experts can further refine and validate the predictive insights, bridging gaps and enhancing decision-making processes.
Best combination of parameters: {"lambda_l1": 8.873255298337503, "lambda_l2": 4.727427102367874, "num_leaves": 9, "feature_fraction": 0.685297914889198, "bagging_fraction": 0.704314019446759, "bagging_freq": 4, "min_child_samples": 157, "learning_rate": 0.10382116330923424, "max_depth": 8, "min_split_gain": 0.042754101835854964, "scale_pos_weight": 46.660042583392475, "n_estimators": 148}
Note that the trade off between pr_auc and accuracy below are intentional by using a very aggresive scale_pos_weight
Validation set:
If the tuning objective is to maximize roc_auc: {'accuracy': 0.9050626761247692, 'f1': 0.9168619433615146, 'pr_auc': 0.37202374319668213, 'roc_auc': 0.8796414359644725}
If the tuning objective is to maximize pr_auc: {'accuracy': 0.7943834418423865, 'f1': 0.8462647285044139, 'pr_auc': 0.3553108109863231, 'roc_auc': 0.866433218160916}
Test set:
If the tuning objective is to maximize roc_auc: {'accuracy': 0.9762595894671366, 'f1': 0.9838091992027213, 'pr_auc': 0.038543825527106876, 'roc_auc': 0.8082540760869564}
If the tuning objective is to maximize pr_auc: {'accuracy': 0.9141613103877255, 'f1': 0.9507567631479845, 'pr_auc': 0.048769796117034664, 'roc_auc': 0.8173029891304348}
Remark: Toying around with train, val, test split range can also lead to differences in performance
Remark: The oil prices and return are not so critical in the modelling based on the feature importance ranking shown.