
An Android library to use what3words autosuggest

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

what3words w3w-android-components

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An Android library to use the what3words v3 API autosuggest.

To obtain an API key, please visit https://what3words.com/select-plan and sign up for an account.


implementation 'com.what3words:w3w-android-components:$latest'


See the what3words public API documentation

Sample using W3WAutoSuggestComponent in Compose and XML of the w3w-android-components library


Sample voice only using W3WAutoSuggestVoice of the w3w-android-components library





		  app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />



class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

            .onSuggestionSelected { suggestion ->
                if (suggestion != null) {
                    Log.i( "MainActivity","words: ${suggestion.words}, country: ${suggestion.country}, distance: ${suggestion.distanceToFocusKm}, near: ${suggestion.nearestPlace}, latitude: ${suggestion.coordinates?.lat}, longitude: ${suggestion.coordinates?.lng}")
                } else {
                    Log.i("MainActivity", "invalid w3w address")
            .onError { error ->
                Log.e("MainActivity", "${error.key} - ${error.message}")


public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        W3WAutoSuggestEditText autoSuggestEditText = findViewById(R.id.suggestionEditText);
                .onSuggestionSelected(null, null, (SuggestionWithCoordinates suggestion) -> {
                    if (suggestion != null) {
                        Log.i("MainActivity", String.format("words: %s, country: %s, near: %s", suggestion.getWords(), suggestion.getCountry(), suggestion.getNearestPlace()));
                    } else {
                        Log.i("MainActivity", "invalid w3w address");
                .onError(null, (APIResponse.What3WordsError what3WordsError) -> Log.e("MainActivity", String.format("%s - %s", what3WordsError.getKey(), what3WordsError.getMessage())));

If you run our Enterprise Suite API Server yourself, you may specify the URL to your own server like so:

 suggestionEditText.apiKey("YOUR_API_KEY_HERE", "https://api.yourserver.com")

General functions:

Name Summary Example
apiKey Set your What3Words API Key which will be used to get suggestions and coordinates. mandatory apiKey("YOUR_API_KEY_HERE")
returnCoordinates Calls the what3words API to obtain the coordinates for the selected 3 word address (to then use on a map or pass through to a logistic company etc) returnCoordinates(true)
onSuggestionSelected Will provide the user selected 3 word address, if user selects an invalid 3 word address SuggestionWithCoordinates will be null. onSuggestionSelected { suggestion -> }
or for custom picker view
onSuggestionSelected(W3WAutoSuggestPicker) { suggestion -> }
onDisplaySuggestions Callback to update view when suggestion picker is being displayed or not, example, show tips when false hide tips when true onDisplaySuggestions { isShowing -> }
onError Will provide any errors APIResponse.What3WordsError that might happen during the API call. onError { error -> }
or for custom error view
onError(W3WAutoSuggestErrorMessage) { error -> }
focus This is a location, specified as a latitude/longitude (often where the user making the query is). If specified, the results will be weighted to give preference to those near the focus. focus(Coordinates(49.180803, -8.001330))
clipToBoundingBox Clip results to a bounding box specified using co-ordinates. clipToBoundingBox(BoundingBox(Coordinates(49.180803, -8.001330),Coordinates(58.470001, 2.158991)))
clipToCircle Restrict autosuggest results to a circle, specified by Coordinates representing the centre of the circle, plus the radius in kilometres. clipToCircle(Coordinates(49.180803, -8.001330), 100.0)
clipToCountry Restricts autosuggest to only return results inside the countries specified by comma-separated list of uppercase ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. clipToCountry(listOf("GB", "BE"))
clipToPolygon Restrict autosuggest results to a polygon, specified by a collection of Coordinates. clipToPolygon(listOf(Coordinates(49.180803, -8.001330), ..., Coordinates(49.180803, -8.001330)))
correctionMessage Set end-user correction picker title, default: "Did you mean?" correctionMessage("new title")
customCorrectionPicker Add custom correction view. customCorrectionPicker(W3WAutoSuggestCorrectionPicker)
displayUnit Set end-user display unit, DisplayUnits.SYSTEM (default), DisplayUnits.METRIC, DisplayUnits.IMPERIAL displayUnit(DisplayUnits.METRIC)
errorMessage Set end-user error message for API related issues, default: An error occurred. errorMessage("new message")
invalidSelectionMessage Set end-user invalid address message for when user selects invalid three word address, default: "No valid what3words address found"
onHomeClick If DrawableStart is set and it's pressed callback will be called, usage example is to have a back button as drawableStart. onHomeClick { }
allowFlexibleDelimiters Allow EditText to accept different delimiters than the what3words standard full stop "index.home.raft", i.e "index home raft" or "index,home,raft". allowFlexibleDelimiters(true)
allowInvalid3wa By default the EditText field will clear an inputted value if a valid 3 word address is not entered. Setting allowInvalid3wa to true stops this behaviour and the value is persisted in the EditText. allowInvalid3wa(true)
preferLand Makes AutoSuggest prefer results on land to those in the sea. This setting is on by default. Use false to disable this setting and receive more suggestions in the sea. preferLand(false)

Enable voice autosuggest:

The component also allows for voice input using the what3words Voice API. This feature allows the user to say 3 words and using speech recognition technology displays 3 word address suggestions to the user.

Before enabling Voice AutoSuggest you will need to add a Voice API plan in your account.

By default the voice language is set to English but this can be changed using the voiceLanguage property (for list of available languages please check the properties table below). Voice input respects the clipping and focus options applied within the general properties. We recommend applying clipping and focus where possible to display as accurate suggestions as possible. To enable voice you can do with programmatically or directly in the XML.


<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />


		  app:voiceEnabled="true" />



Voice properties:

Name Summary Example
voiceEnabled Enable voice for autosuggest component. voiceEnabled(true)
or for other animations
voiceEnabled(true, VoiceScreenType.AnimatedPopup)
or for custom microphone icon
voiceEnabled(true, VoiceScreenType.Inline, getDrawable(R.drawable.new_mic))
voiceLanguage Available voice languages: ar for Arabic, cmn for Mandarin Chinese, de for German, en Global English (default), es for Spanish, hi for Hindi, ja for Japanese and ko for Korean voiceLanguage("de")
voicePlaceholder Voice placeholder for fullscreen popup for autosuggest component, default: "Say a 3 word address…" voicePlaceholder("new placeholder")
toggleVoice Will trigger the voice programmatically, in cases where the developer wants to start listening without user touching the screen. toggleVoice()
microphone Provides a custom Microphone setup for use by the autosuggest component if voiceEnabled is set to true. microphone(recordingRate = 16000,encoding = AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT,channel = AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO,audioSource = MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC)


We added support for Night mode on version 3.+, if you want to enable Day/Night mode please add the following style to W3WAutoSuggestEditText.

		  app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />

You can use our base style as parent (Widget.AppCompat.W3WAutoSuggestEditText or Widget.AppCompat.W3WAutoSuggestEditTextDayNight for day/night support) and you can set the custom properties available with XML on the table above and the normal EditText styling, i.e:

<style name="YourCustomStyle" parent="Widget.AppCompat.W3WAutoSuggestEditText">
    <item name="android:textColor">#000000</item>
    <item name="android:textColorHint">#888888</item>
    <item name="errorMessage">Your custom error message</item>
    <item name="android:hint">Your custom placeholder</item>
    <item name="android:textAppearance">@style/YourCustomStyleTextAppearance</item>

<style name="YourCustomStyleTextAppearance" parent="TextAppearance.AppCompat">
    <item name="android:textSize">22sp</item>
    <item name="android:fontFamily">sans-serif-medium</item>

alt textalt textalt text