
A container for git

Primary LanguageMakefile

Github friendly git-in-a-container

For cases where you have multiple accounts on Github / Bitbucket / Gitlab... etc

This is for things like when you need to have a git identity that isn't the one you've got hard-coded in your laptop's ~/.ssh/config and etc.

So you spin up a little gitainer and change the username, add a id_rsa and we're good.

What it doesn't do yet is gpg signing

To make this thing work, try:

make help

That will print out a nice helpful help text. OR you could ...

LOGIN=yourlogin                               \
GIT_USERNAME='Friendly Name'                  \
GIT_EMAIL='the-email@the-place.org'           \
PRIVATE_KEY_LOCATION=$HOME/.ssh/my-key.key    \
make build

The above will create a container called git-yourlogin which can be spun up using the command git-yourlogin. The command is created as a little shell script in /usr/local/bin/git-yourlogin.

I use this to start a git-session (a minimal shell with git and git-flow) in $PWD.

  • Example:

    You are in a terminal and the PWD is /home/you/projects :

    $ pwd
    $ git-yourlogin
    yourlogin@git /home/you/projects λ

Each user (identity) container is based on Alpine Linux (latest) and comes with:

  • bash
  • less
  • tree
  • git-docs
  • git-completion
  • git-prompt
  • git-flow
  • openssh-client

TIP: I use pass to help me remember the commands to type so building things is a little easier:

cd ~/Containers/container-git && \
echo `pass things/containers/build-github-container` | bash -s

Cool huh?