Frontend Developer Coding Challenge for Springwood


The Weather Warden is a web application that provides users with up-to-date weather information for their desired location. This project is part of the hiring process for a front-end developer role at Springwood, and it incorporates APIs from OpenWeatherMap and Open-Meteo to fetch weather data and icons from Meteocons to display the weather conditions.


  • Users can search for the weather conditions in their desired location by entering the city name or by pressing location button.
  • The application displays the current weather condition, temperature, Air Quality, UV-Index, humidity, wind speed, Pollen count and wind direction.
  • The application also provides a seven-day weather forecast for the location.
  • On page reload application retrives last search location and displays its current weather information.
  • The icons used to display weather conditions are easy to understand and visually appealing.
  • The application is responsive and can be used on different screen sizes.


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • OpenWeatherMap API
  • Open-Meteo
  • Meteocons icons
  • Netlify

How To Run

Simply clone and open index.html on your browser.