
Small Go CLI argument parser

Primary LanguageGo


Extremely minimalistic argument parser for Go CLI apps. There is only a single function Parse that returns a struct of all key/value pairs for arguments provided in addition to any arguments provided without corresponding keys.


  1. Any arguments that start with one or two hyphens (-arg or --arg) are considered keys
  2. The value immediately following a key is considered that key's value.
  • NOTE: if the value of a key starts with a hyphen, you need to wrap the value in quotes, otherwise it will be considered another key.
  1. If an argument is provided without a key, it will be included in a []string field of the returned struct called Nokeys.


$ go get github.com/whatl3y/argv


The following script is an example of how to use the library.

// ./test.go
package main

import (

func main() {
  // theArgs is a:
  // struct{
  //  Nokeys []string
  //  Keys   map[string]string
  theArgs := argv.Parse(os.Args[1:])
  fmt.Println("Arguments:", theArgs)
$ go build
$ ./test -arg1 123 --arg2 456 nokeyarg
# Arguments: {[nokeyarg] map[arg1:123 arg2:456]}

$ ./test -arg1 123 --arg2 --arg3 456 nokeyarg --arg4
# Arguments: {[nokeyarg] map[arg1:123 arg2: arg3:456 arg4:]}