

Primary LanguageJavaScript


编译 jsx、es6、scss 等资源所要安装的插件

使用 bael 和 babel-loader 编译 jsx、es6
安装插件: babel-preset-es2015 用于解析 es6
安装插件:babel-preset-react 用于解析 jsx
css-loader 用于将 css 当做模块一样来 import
style-loader 用于自动将 css 添加到页面
extract-text-webpack-plugin 分离css文件



安装:npm install 或者安装淘宝镜像

npm install -g cnpm --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org

开发:npm run dev


  • webpack production ENV
  • 把第三方插件独立出来
  • 加入postcss. css3自动补全

This repo is a boilerplate for React-Babel-Webpack project. You could use it as a base to build your own web app.


  • Equip with React, ES6 & Babel 6
  • Lint with ESlint and Airbnb's style sheet.
  • Build with Webpack
  • Support hot module replacement
  • Auto Open a new browser tab when Webpack loads, and reload the page when you modified the code
  • Use Commitizen to produce commit message according to AngularJS convention
  • Support git hook pre-commit used to lint and test your code
  • Support git hook commit-msg used to lint your commit message
  • Use conventional-changelog to generate CHANGELOG.md

How to use

First, you should clone the repo and install the dependencies.

$ git clone git@github.com:ruanyf/react-babel-webpack-boilerplate.git <yourAppName>
$ cd <yourAppName>
$ npm install

Then, launch the boilerplate app.

$ npm start

You should see a new browser tap opening and a title of "Hello World" in

From there, you start to develop your own code in the app directory. When you finish coding, use npm run build or npm run deploy to build the static files.

When committing your code, you should use AngularJS's commit message convention. Otherwise, the repo will throw an error. If you use npm run commit instead of git commit, the command will help you to produce a formatted commit message.
