
📚 A learning path for Full-stack web development

Full Stack Web Developer Path

The Fundamentals

Progress Type Item Project(s) Date
Course CS50 on edX
Course Team Treehouse or Codeschool's HTML, CSS Path (Paid) or Shay Howe's HTML,CSS Course
Project FCC Front End Project - Build Your Portfolio
Done Course Learn Git
Done Course Learn flexbox from Flexbox.io
Done Course Learn flexbox from Flexboxfroggy
Project Create a similar site of FlexboxFroggy above
Course Learn Sass OR Sass Tutorials
Project Refactor the portfolio site layout and CSS using Flexbox and Sass
Course Watch N Code Practical Javascript
Book Eloquent Javascript
Done Project Do FCC Javascript Basic Algorithm Challenges
Course Learn DOM manipulation
Project Make a todo list webapp
Course Learn AJAX
Project FCC Intermediate Project - Build a Random Quote Generator
Project FCC Intermediate Project - Build a Local Weather App
Project FCC Intermediate Project - Build a Wikipedia Viewer
Project FCC Intermediate Project - Build a Twitch TV Viewer
Course Learn ES6 - Wes Bos's ES6 for Everyone
Course Javascript30
Done Project Do FCC Javascript Intermediate Algorithm Challenges
Project FCC Advanced Project - Build a Javascript Calculator
Project FCC Advanced Project - Build a Pomodoro Clock
Project FCC Advanced Project - Build a Tic Tac Toe game
Project FCC Advanced Project - Build a Simon Game
Milestone FreeCodeCamp Front End Certificate
Course JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts
Book YDKJS: Up & Going
Book YDKJS: Scope & Closures
Book YDKJS: this & Object Prototypes
Book YDKJS: Types & Grammar
Book YDKJS: Async & Performance
Book YDKJS: ES6 & Beyond


Progress Type Item Project(s) Date
Course React For Beginners - Wes Bos or React Fundamentals - Tyler Mcginnis
Project FCC React Project - Build a Markdown Previewer
Project FCC React Project - Build a Recipe Box App
Project Clone the Netflix interface using React - pulling data from the Movie DB API
Project Clone this Admin template using React


Progress Type Item Project(s) Date
Course Learn Node - Wes Bos OR Nodeschool.io Tutorials
Project FCC Backend - Timestamp Microservice
Project FCC Backend - Request Header Parser Microservice
Project FCC Backend - URL Shortener Microservice
Project FCC Backend - Image Search Abstraction Layer
Project FCC Backend - File Metadata Microservice
Project FCC Backend - Build a Voting App
Project FCC Backend - Build a Nightlife Coordination App
Project FCC Backend - Chart the Stock Market
Project FCC Backend - Manage a Book Trading Club
Project FCC Backend - Build a Pinterest Clone
Milestone FreeCodeCamp BackEnd certificate


  • Learn about build tools like Gulp and include them in projects
  • Every week, write a medium post about that week's learnings.
  • Learn about linting. Use linters like ESLint for Javascript , Stylelint for CSS in your projects.
  • Learn about CSS conventions like BEM, SMACSS.


  • This is a template. You can customize it, add or remove courses as per your choices, or change the course order.
  • To start using, Fork the repo.
  • If you like this repo and find it useful, please consider ★ starring it (on top right of the page) :)
  • I would love to be part of your learning journey. You can find me on twitter : Shovan Chatterjee


Inspired by p1xt guides, My journey to becoming a web developer from scratch without a CS degree (and what I learned from it)