
The clean official home of the awdg.org site

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Quick Start

  • Install requirements

  • Clone the repo

  • Install dependencies

  • Start app via grunt (if you need to work on the theme, also recomended) or npm start

      npm install
      bower install      
      grunt develop #or npm start
  • head over to http://localhost:2934

**all npm start does is run nodemon 👍


  • Install Nodejs
  • Install Mongodb (optional) - You can get one up and running quickly over at mongolab


You need nodemon, grunt and bower

  • Install nodemon, grunt and bower globally

       npm install -g bower grunt nodemon

Configuring your dev environment

Rename the .env.sample file to .env to change/add your own keys for MongoDb, Mailchimp, Mandrill, Stripe and Meetup.


For project requirements head over to the awdg.org wiki