
A plug for responding to heartbeat requests.

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


A tiny plug for responding to heartbeat requests.

Installation and docs

Documentation is available on hex.pm.

Add a dependency to your application's mix.exs file:

defp deps do
  [{:plug_heartbeat, "~> 1.0"}]

then run mix deps.get.


Just plug this plug (sorry) in your plug pipeline:

defmodule MyServer do
  use Plug.Builder
  plug PlugHeartbeat
  # ... rest of the pipeline

With this setup, all GET and HEAD requests to /heartbeat will return a 200 OK status and OK as the body. This path can be customized through the :path option:

defmodule MyServer do
  use Plug.Builder
  plug PlugHeartbeat, path: "/health"
  # ... rest of the pipeline

That's pretty much it, but the docs contain further details.


MIT © Andrea Leopardi, see the license file.