Lab requirements

  1. Install git

  2. Install Erlang & Elixir (at least 1.6)

Verify your installations

Verify your installation by calling the executables git, erl and iex in your shell. Your Erlang installation needs to be on OTP 19 and Elixir on 1.6 or higher. Check the version by running iex:

~ λ iex
Erlang/OTP 20 [erts-9.3] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [ds:8:8:10] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

Interactive Elixir (1.6.5) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)

Installing a lab

The repository for all labs is found at

  1. git clone from your console

    $ git clone
  2. Enter the workshop directory

    $ cd workshop-parallel-computation-with-elixir
  3. Enter the directory for the current lab named labN. For example, for lab1:

    $ cd lab1

Running tests

As you start out with a new lab all tests will be skipped with @tag :skip, remove this tag when you start working on a test.

Tests are tagged with @tag :skip. When you run mix test, all tests are skipped so you will see all tests "passing". You should remove or comment out the @tag :skip line above the first test and then run tests to see that test fail. Then, implement the first function until the test passes. Repeat for all other functions.

  • Run all tests for a project: $ mix test

  • Run all tests in a specific file: $ mix test test/my_test.exs

  • Run all tests on a specific file and line: $ mix test test/my_test.exs:42

Lab links

The individual labs can be found at the following URLs:

Lab 1 - Process basics:

Lab 2 - Streams and tasks:

Lab 3 - GenStage:

Lab 4 - Flow: