Example client use of the fitgem oauth library to integrate with fitbit.com
- 1
Upgrade to OAuth2
#18 opened by tobernguyen - 4
curl getting empty pages
#10 opened by winkler1 - 0
Upgrade to Rails 4.2
#16 opened by whazzmaster - 0
Document the architecture of the site
#6 opened by whazzmaster - 0
- 2
Add full support for subscriptions
#2 opened by whazzmaster - 2
API calls failing after lapse of time
#13 opened by stationstops - 2
Some tips from attempting Heroku deployment
#12 opened by stationstops - 0
- 0
- 5
Update content to show more example code
#3 opened by whazzmaster - 0
- 3
- 1
data_by_time_range(...) does not work
#1 opened by jonathan-mui