
A sass mixin to make responsive typography easy

Primary LanguageCSS


Codeship Status for zellwk/typi

Typi makes Responsive Typography easier by helping you do two things:

  1. Write font-size and line-height properties at different breakpoints with font maps.
  2. Calculate Vertical Rhythm easily with the vr() function.

Read this blog post to find out why I highly recommend using Typi.


Install Typi via one of the methods below:


$ bower install typi --save


$ npm install typi --save

Then, import Typi into your Sass project

@import "path-to-bower-components-or-node_modules/typi/scss/typi";


Creating Font-size and Line-height Properties for HTML

To use Typi, you first need to set up two Sass maps – $breakpoints and $typi.

$breakpoints is a map that holds key value pairs for creating media queries. It looks something like this:

$breakpoints: (
  small: 800px,
  large: 1200px

Next, you have to set up a $typi map that looks like this:

$typi: (
  null: 16px,
  small: 18px,
  large: 20px

Next, you'll have to call the typi-base() mixin to help create the html font-sizes:

html {
  @include typi-base();

The resultant CSS you get is:

html {
  font-size: 100%;

@media all and (min-width: 800px) {
  html {
    font-size: 112.5%;

@media all and (min-width: 1200px) {
  html {
    font-size: 125%;

Let me explain what happened here.

First, Typi looks for the null key within your $typi map. In this case, null is 16px. It tells Typi to create a font-size of 16px without any media queries. This 16px will automatically be converted into a percentage font-size:

html {
  font-size: 100%;

Then, Typi looks for the next key, small in this case. Once it finds small, it'll look into the $breakpoints map to find out what media query to create. In this case, we see that small is 800px.

Typi then creates a min-width query at 800px:

@media all and (min-width: 800px) {
  html {
    font-size: 112.5%;

Following which, Typi repeats the processes and creates media queries for all breakpoints you've listed in the $typi map.

Changing Line Height Properties

Sometimes you might need to change the line-height property of your body copy. You can do so by adding a second parameter for each $typi key.

$typi: (
  null: (16px, 1.3), // Sets line-height to 1.3
  small: 18px,
  large: (20px, 1.4) // Sets line-height to 1.4

The resultant CSS from the updated $typi map is:

html {
  font-size: 100%; /* This means 16px */
  line-height: 1.3;

@media all and (min-width: 800px) {
  html {
    font-size: 112.5%; /* This means 18px */

@media all and (min-width: 1200px) {
  html {
    font-size: 125%; /* This means 20px */
    line-height: 1.4;

Creating Font-size and Line Height for other elements

After creating the $typi map, create other font-maps using the same format. Here's an example:

$h1-map: (
  null: (3.129em, 1.2),
  large: (2.3353em, 1.3)

$h2-map: (
  null: 2.3353em,
  large: 1.769em

$h3-map: (
  null: 1.769em,
  large: 1.333em
// ...

Each font-map can be called with the $typi mixin:

h1 { @include typi($h1-map) }
h2 { @include typi($h2-map) }
h3 { @include typi($h3-map) }
// ...

Typi then converts the em or pixel value given to the font maps into the rem unit (You can change this behavior by setting $rem to false when calling typi()):

h1 {
  font-size: 3.157rem;
  line-height: 1.2;

@media all and (min-width: 1200px) {
  h1 {
    font-size: 2.369rem;
    line-height: 1.3;

That's it! Pretty neat huh? :)

Here's a protip: You can use the modular scale Sass mixin if you don't want to write exact em values (like 1.777em) across different font maps.

To do so, you have to download the library and import it into your Sass file. Then, change the font maps such that it uses the ms() function.

$h1-map: (
  null: (ms(4) 1.2),
  large: (ms(3), 1.3)
// ...

Vertical Rhythm with Typi

Typi provides you with a vr() function that helps you calculate line heights in em and rem units.

To use the vr() function, you need to modify your $typi map slightly such that the null key contains a line-height value.

$typi: (
  null: (16px, 1.5),

The vr() function then uses your line-height property to help you calculate Vertical Rhythm:

margin: vr(1) 0; // margin: 1.5rem 0
margin: vr(2) 0; // margin: 3rem 0
margin: vr(2.5) 0; // margin: 3.75rem 0

Typi also supports you with calculating Vertical Rhythm in em if you need it to. You just have to add a second argument to the vr() function:

margin: vr(2, 3em); // margin-top: 1em;

Ideally, Typi would generate a Vertical Rhythm with CSS Variables so you have the freedom to change the base line-height property. Unfortunately this will have to wait till CSS Variables are widely supported.

Contributing Guidelines

Just one for now: Make sure the tests before you submit a pull request.


  1. Clone the repo
  2. Install dependencies with bower install && npm install
  3. Run gulp to start tests



  • Added typi-ms() function
  • Bugfix for integration with mappy-bp


  • Changed typi() output to rem by default


  • Added ability to calculate vertical rhythms in em and rem.
