FundaScaper scrapes data from Funda, the Dutch housing website. You can find listings from house-buying or rental market, and historical data. 🏡
- 0
- 0
Add possibility to add multiple areas
#55 opened by lethuan007 - 1
Methods to determine listing date
#53 opened by DannyJanmaat - 3
scraper returns empty data frame
#52 opened by mitsyprada - 0
Data scraping is not working for sold listings
#51 opened by robskes - 6
Issue with NA values in raw_df
#43 opened by MarkMenagie - 6
Fetched dataframe without any records
#47 opened by geertoff - 0
pandas import error
#48 opened by zencodess - 3
scraper return only NA result
#45 opened by iyearn-zhou - 1
- 2
RuntimeError: An attempt has been made to start a new process before the current process has finished its bootstrapping phase.
#35 opened by ropg - 2
CSS scraping no longer works with beta website
#40 opened by mpgreg - 1
URL construction faulty for sold houses
#39 opened by EWoutersen - 1
- 3
Multiple neighbourhoods
#13 opened by NelisV - 1
Aiohttp fails for captcha
#32 opened by utkuarslan5 - 1
Floor area filter
#36 opened by landyrev - 1
Scraping does not work
#42 opened by djokidjole - 1
Changing keep_cols in preprocessing
#29 opened by utkuarslan5 - 1
listed since date N/A
#22 opened by NelisV - 2
Default example from documentation returns
#23 opened by thijs-hakkenberg - 0
- 0
"Verkocht onder voorbehoud"
#24 opened by mvanaltvorst - 2
neighbourhood name = na
#15 opened by NelisV - 3
package error
#21 opened by j-v-As - 5
No data scraped (0 houses found in 0 pages)
#11 opened by PieterK123 - 1
List index out of range
#17 opened by RaymondJ1983 - 1
Range of prices
#16 opened by coskoutelis - 1
Adding a different starting page
#12 opened by coskoutelis - 0
Pull total number of pages for a query
#14 opened by NelisV - 7
Scraper not retrieving any data
#6 opened by BTuyn - 2
Extract all the links, but get a smaller number of results and not from the selected city
#10 opened by ValenteMendez - 4
- 5
scraping not progressing
#2 opened by PJVoorwinden - 1
- 2
multi processing issue
#4 opened by MarcellusKovacek