
VTS browser integration plugin for Unity 3D game engine

Primary LanguageC#BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

VTS Browser Integration Plugin For Unity 3D Game Engine

VTS Browser CPP is a collection of libraries that bring VTS client capabilities to your native applications.

This Unity Plugin integrates the VTS Browser into the popular Unity 3D game engine.

Example Screenshots


  • The plugin handles data streaming and resource management
  • Rendering is done in Unity (with custom shaders)
    • This allows you to customize the rendering process
    • Provided shaders:
      • Unlit
      • Unlit with shadows
      • Optionally with custom atmosphere that works with whole-planet views and transitions to street-level views
  • Supports multiple cameras
  • Support for physical collision


The Unity Plugin documentation is at the wiki.

Browser documentation is available at its own wiki.

Documentation for the whole VTS is at Read the Docs.


Build instructions are the same as for the VTS Browser Build Wrapper. Just start in the root folder of this repository to ensure that the settings from CMakeLists.txt here are applied too.

Using the plugin In Unity

Unity 2018 or newer is required.

The simplest way is to create a few symbolic/directory links on the filesystem for each Unity project.

In all cases, make sure to configure the plugins in the Unity Inspector to only include them on the relevant platforms.

On Windows

  • <Unity Project>/Assets/Vts -> <This Repository>/src/Vts
  • <Unity Project>/Assets/Vts/Plugins/vts-browser.dll -> <This Repository>/build/result/relwithdebinfo/vts-browser.dll

On Mac

  • <Unity Project>/Assets/Vts -> <This Repository>/src/Vts
  • <Unity Project>/Assets/Vts/Plugins/vts-browser.bundle -> <This Repository>/build/result/relwithdebinfo/vts-browser.bundle

For iOS

  • <Unity Project>/Assets/Vts -> <This Repository>/src/Vts
  • <Unity Project>/Assets/Vts/Plugins/vts-browser.framework -> <This Repository>/build-ios/result/relwithdebinfo/vts-browser.framework
  • After you make the build in Unity, open the XCode project:
    • in the project, Build Settings, Linking, set Runpath Search Paths to @executable_path and @executable_path/Frameworks
    • in Build Phases, Copy Files, add vts-browser.framework to Destination Frameworks
      • make sure that Code Sign On Copy is on

For Linux

  • Build the vts-browser library on linux and copy it to <Unity Project>/Assets/Vts/Plugins/libvts-browser.so

Bug Reports

For bug reports or enhancement suggestions use the Issue tracker.

How to Contribute

Check the CONTRIBUTING.md on the VTS Browser CPP repository. It applies equally here.


See the LICENSE file.