The proposed maceral analysis method, MISC, based on image segmentation and classification makes it possible to identify the maceral composition automatically and intelligently. We integrated 2-level K-means segmentation algorithm and various classification algorithms described in the following paper: "Intelligent identification of maceral components of coal based on image segmentation and classification" submitted to Applied Sciences.
Note: this package requires installing Matlab R2016b or latter.
The software of MISC was implemented in Matlab, and could be installed on Windows systems. MISC distributions for Windows can be found at . We recommend that users can download the latest release.
After downloading, please double-click on the file 'MISC.exe' to run the executable file:MISC.exe
Select an image(such as test_image_1.bmp) for analysis.
Select the segmentation method and the calssification methods. The segmentation results are presented as 4 subfigures, corresponding to the binders and 3 maceral groups. The classification result for each object detected by image segmentation is shown with different colors for visualization.
Any suggestion and problem, please feel free to let us know via Email:
Released under MIT license