
✨ A Star Ship Game under development - No Framework, just Java, that's what makes it fun

Primary LanguageJava


Starting by playing around with thousands of particles I made a star-field. Then I animated it and gave it a 3D perspective effect. Well, then I needed a star ship. What good is a star ship that can't shoot lasers? So I made a laser by generating single pixels using pseudo random coordinates by controlling the boundary conditions. then I added some sounds... the TODOs never end.

To play use arrow keys and 'F' to fire laser

the goal has become to create a never ending randomly generated space game The parameter is that the game needs to retain a balance of playability and increasing difficulty the strategy is to keep the enemies from passing you to your Mothership and avoid self destruction

##To Run

  • these instructions use Maven
  • you must have Java installed on your machine
  • download repo
  • navigate to directory containing the pom file (top directory)
  • enter in commandline: mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.HEDgearSoftWare.app.Game" -e


  • add pause button 'P'
  • need to use a less intrusive sound for the players laser because if the player is used to a noisy sound it will be difficult for the other stimulus to make an impact. => loss of BOSS enemy effect. (Human senses are designed to detect change. Use it to have an ebb and flow)
  • be able to toggle theme music on/off -'M'- and adjust volume '-' and '+'
  • add weight/physics to cause ship to change direction in more realistic way.
  • make stars move slower when player is moving down and faster when player is moving up. (1px?)
  • create randomly generated enemy behaviour once generated consistent for that enemy
  • create randomly generated enemy formations, cooperative behaviour
  • create weapons. 3 modules of 10 components gives 1000 possible weapon types
  • create super weapons for Bosses and player.
  • Add explosions.
    • Use Particles?
    • or randomly splice exploding ship image
    • Use size of image splice to adjust velocity away from explosion and life of particle
    • perhaps redivide and explode splices above certain size
    • or Both particles and fragments.
  • Add ship thrusters
    • thrusters only on when player moves forward?
    • use particles with life to leave trail of exhaust
  • create randomly generated yet consistent once generated enemy behaviour
    • formations
    • how long they fly in screen, move around, deploy weapons
    • how often they deploy weapons
    • Drone, Commander and Boss level ships and behaviour
  • add Mothership health bar(status of how many ships have passed you)
  • display extra lives (show ships left)
  • add defense shield. player presses 'D'
  • add super weapon.
    • needs to recharge
    • should have way to switch super weapon type
    • have charge status bar on screen
    • Player presses 'S'
  • add teleportation.
    • player presses 'A'
    • the ship teleports to random place on screen and has chance of landing on enemy
    • a device of last resort used when "anywhere is better than here only"
  • add score
  • add Splash Screen
  • add credits to graphic designers and sound engineers.
  • add high score