Import your videos like 'Friends' and anything else, then random play them.
Forked from
, Thanks for their working.
Electron React Boilerplate uses Electron, React, Redux, React Router, Webpack and React Fast Refresh.
Fork 而来,感谢大佬们的辛勤工作。
Download your platform's installer in Releases.
在Releases 中下载对应操作系统的安装程序。
Only tested on Windows 10 (Development Machine) and Windows 7(VMWare).
Note: You should set a video player in Global Settings before changing the language or importing videos. I will add a scrollIntoView()
in next release.
Update to latest
✅ -
Directly play ✅
Videos' tag
Generate log and some awesome charts (Only seems useful)
Customize generates option like count, ignore some videos while generating and blahblahblah
Welcome! I'm a frontend developer only (and never used react before), current 'Generate' is a REAL random()
call, in my "blueprint", 'Generate' should be more elegant and smart.
Clone the repo and install dependencies:
git clone
cd random-playlist
npm install
Having issues installing? See our debugging guide
Start the app in the dev
npm start
To package apps for the local platform:
npm run package
MIT © Generate, Play