
Humanitarian/Free Open Source Software Development.

Primary LanguageHTML


This is the content repository for the RIT Department of Interactive Games and Media Humanitarian Free/Open Source Software Course (HFOSS). This course is a pre-requisite for advanced courses in Free and Open Source Software at RIT (see also).

The directory ofcourse-content contains that subset of course-specific content served by an instance of the ofCourse courseware, distributed and maintained separately at https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ofcourse.

The assets directory contains local copies of open educational resources (Creative Commons, Wikipedia, opensource.com) either used directly by the course or useful as references or for further reading. It also includes binary objects (pictures, video) used in the course (eg, the course wiki).

The docs directory may eventually contain course content (possibly originating from the course wiki) served via Github Pages or another, similar static content hosting system.