
Matches a category of Google's Taxonomy to product that is described in any kind of text data

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Matches a category of Google's Taxonomy to product that is described in any kind of text data

It parses an input csv file (product.csv) and assigns one of the categories that are found in Google's taxonomy and writes the result back to another csv file (product.matched.csv).


> python matcher.py  -h
usage: matcher.py [-h] [-o [OVERWRITE]] [bc [bc ...]]

Finds category based on Google's taxonomy in a product description

positional arguments:
  bc                    The base categories of the product. Can speed up execution a lot. Example: matcher "Furniture" "Home & Garden"

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o [OVERWRITE], --overwrite [OVERWRITE]
                        If set category column in product file will be


This script can be tweaked further. Copy settings.sample.yaml to settings.yaml and adjust accordingly.

Read more

More info about how it works can be found at http://www.bernhardwenzel.com/blog/2013/08/26/google-shopping-taxonomy-algorithm/