
A mini-games project where a player can choose between two games.

Primary LanguageC


This is my University 1st year Game project.This project is made by c++ and igraphics graphics file.

For igraphics tutorial, you can check here.

This is an image

There are two games in this project.User can choose which one to play.

Codebase Structure

├── debug
│   ├── Pong_Dx.exe
|   ├── Pong_Dx.ilk
│   └── Pong_Dx.pdb
├── Pong_Dx
│   ├── Debug
|   |    └── ...
│   ├── assets
|   |    └── ...
│   ├── music
|   |    └── ...
│   ├── pic
|   |    └── ...
│   ├── iGraphics.h
│   └── iMain.cpp
├── Pong_Dx.opensdf
├── Pong_Dx.sdfPong_Dx.sdf
├── Pong_Dx.sln
└── Pong_Dx.v12.suo