Install sealed secrets controller manually
kubectl apply -k manifests/tools/sealed-secrets
Create and seal the argo repo secret //TODO more info needed here
- Create the unsealed secret yaml somehow
- Make sure to do the thing so the sealed secret contains the label argocd expects
kubeseal --format yaml <manifests/argocd/secret.yaml >secret.yaml
Get-Content .\secret.yaml | kubeseal --format yaml >.\lgtm\secret-grafana.yaml
Install argo manually
- Copy
- Apply the kustomized manifests:
kubectl apply -k manifests/argocd
Verify all the ArgoCD pods have started up.
- Copy
Take over both sealed-secrets controller and ArgoCD by installing both the ArgoCD and Tools namespace root applications.
kubectl apply -f root-apps/argocd.yaml kubectl apply -f root-apps/tools.yaml
Consider whether to keep ArgoCD in the same root app.
Consider keeping secrets in a separate repository? (https://argo-cd.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user-guide/multiple_sources/)
Should be able to just push changes to the manifests repo(s) in order for things to update.