
all the ideas I currently have for art/design projects which I have not made, all available for free (license: CC-BY_NC)

all ideas for free dot com

an experimental website which is constantly updated with all the ideas I have, or others may add, for art/design/code projects which I have not made, all available to use freely

want to share alike with the www? you can tweet your ideas to @whereaddie or add them yourself via git: all-my-ideas-for-free/index.html

why am I doing this?

This is an experiment in what it means to be open source. Even more so this is an experiment in what it means to create open source ideas.

Ideas are stolen, ideas are copied, ideas are recopied, remixed. Nothing is new, or is everything new. Even when we try to copy we often unintentionally interpenetrate or personalize. Transforming a copy to an iteration .

There is a traditional tension between an artist idea and how an artist uses the internet as a form of freely sharing what they create, and using social meadia for obtaining recognition. Beyond this, artist work has lived in an art world which interest lies in limited editions and highly sought after artifacts, not ideas which are avilable freely for and in the public domain. Ultimately this is about contributing and distributing to a new contextualization of ideas, art and culture through the use of open licenses, open ideas and open art.

how can I use these ideas?

(license: CC-BY_NC).

some cred goes along way: Addie Wagenknecht placesiveneverbeen.com