Get the best order for enchanting. Base on the Python Version by @hqqaazz
- Silverlight 3
- Silverlight 5
- .NET Framework 2.0
- .NET Framework 4.0
- .NET Framework 4.7
- .NET Standard 1.1
- .NET Standard 2.0
- .NET Standard 2.1
- .NET Core 5.0
- .NET Core App 2.1
- .NET 6.0
(Optimal, in
- Sweeping Edge III
- Looting III+Sharpness V/Smite V/Bane of Arthropods V
- (Fire Aspect II+Unbreaking III) + (Knockback II+Mending)
(3 Prior Work Penalty,Highest exp level:17,Total exp level:52)
*Total exp require(not exp level):883
(nearly optimal, by the program)
- Sweeping Edge III
- Looting III+Fire Aspect II
- (Sharpness V/Smite V/Bane of Arthropods V+Unbreaking III) + (Knockback II+Mending)
(3 Prior Work Penalty,Highest exp level:18,Total exp level:51)
*Total exp require(not exp level):884