KickStarter on Blockchain

What is it

This is a decentralized Kickstarter built on Ethereum. The current kickstarter requries a centralized authority to store the contributions. With a smart contract deployed on Ethereum, the centralized platform can be replaced. This project is built following along this Udemy Course.

Use Cases

Create a campaign for users to donate ethereum to. You can set the minimum amount for donations. Only people who have donated can be approvers of the campaign.


This project connects to the Ethereum test net Rinkeby. And interacts with Rinkey via Infura. Download MetaMask Chrome Extension (link) and create an account.

Replace my web3 12 word seed with yours. ( Mine has no ethereum stored in it, it was purely used for this development 🙂 )

How do I run it

git clone

npm install 

npm run dev