It's like a DAO treasury swap on steriods!
More info on the idea here.
- All main contract functions are tested and all tests are passing with correct behavior
- Any number of DAOs can structure a joint venture deal. There is no limit to the number of participating DAOs
- DAOs may deposit (and withdraw) their tokens to collateralize the joint venture token
- When deposit target amounts have been reached, Uniswap pools are created, Arrakis vaults are created, liquidity is deposited to those pools (one pool per DAO Token/JV Token combo), LP tokens and JV tokens are transferred to each DAO treasury
- JV tokens (joint venture tokens) are minted using Set Protocol and are backed by deposited DAO tokens
- Liquidity splits are dynamic
- UI is completely functional
- Oracles implemented for valuation logic
- Install Foundry
- run
from root directory - from
, runanvil --fork-url --fork-block-number 15555069
and substitute rpc url with a valid one - import private key
into metamask - from
- then can add the logged token addresses to metamask
- from
, runforge test -vvv --fork-url --fork-block-number 15555069
and substitute rpc with a valid one