
Displaying the thumbnails of the URLs coming through Embedly Stream in real time

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Embedly Thumbnail River

This is a demo using Stream from Embedly. Thumbnail River pulls from the stream and includes the embed responses. Each thumbnail URL is cropped using Display.

You can use the Stream endpoint to access the firehose of embeds. Process the stream to identify hot and trending articles. Filter the stream to get specific kinds of articles.


A simple server is written in node. Request is used to pull from the stream, and the results are piped to a bufferstream. Each URL in the stream is separated by a new line. The bufferstream watches for new lines and sends the data to the client with socketio.


The thumbnail of the embed is animated on the client with jQuery animations, but only if the number of images is below some threshold. This is to ensure that the client does not get overloaded with images and slow down.


Periodically, Thumbnail River scans over all of the images currently in view and finds the most frequent URLs. The titles of these URLs are displayed over the stream.


The API key for Stream is stored in config.js and accessed by server.js. The API key for Display is in api_key.js and is accessed by client.js. These files are not in this repo.