WHID Elite is a GSM-enabled Open-Source Multi-Purpose Offensive Device that allows a threat actor to remotely inject keystrokes, bypass air-gapped systems, conduct mousejacking attacks, do acoustic surveillance, RF replay attacks and much more. In practice, is THE Wet Dream of any Security Consultant out there!
- 1d0n7kn0w
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- andr2880
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- BreakSecurity
- brun0neWrocław, Poland
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- HackerKang
- hacks2learnCanada
- hamannju
- huulbaek@nodalit
- iMagic16United Kingdom
- IS2511WB
- jakiiiiDhaka, Bangladesh
- Jarnek
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- l4mp14Sertão Technology
- lucky-luk3
- M3m0r3X
- nbosa
- nicholasadamouFounder @DotBrains
- NUMAflex
- revolGermany
- seajaysecThe Walt Disney Company
- Sliim
- tobozoParis, France
- unbaiatUnicorns United Ltd
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- zincnodeSamsung