Utilities for maintaining the Fedora Commons repository.
- TechnicalMetadataMigrator: migrate technical metadata properties based on changes made in May 2015:
- fedora:digest => premis:hasMessageDigest
- fedora:mimeType => ebucore:hasMimeType
- premis:hasOriginalName => ebucore:filename
To build the JAR file
mvn package
Before running the migration utility, stop the repository by shutting down the servlet container (Tomcat, Jetty, etc.) or removing the Fedora 4 webapp. Then run the migration utility by executing the JAR file and provide the fcrepo.home
system property to set the location of Fedora 4's fcrepo4-data
java -Dfcrepo.home=/path/to/fcrepo4-data -jar /path/to/fcrepo4-upgrade-utils/target/fcrepo-upgrade-utils-4.3.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
To run the migration utility in "dry-run" mode where it will output a summary of the migration it would perform, but not actually change the repository:
java -Dfcrepo.home=/path/to/fcrepo4-data -jar /path/to/fcrepo4-upgrade-utils/target/fcrepo-upgrade-utils-4.3.1-SNAPSHOT.jar dryrun