| A role to configure yum
Configuring and ensuring a proper behaviour of yum on CentOS/RedHat systems is mandatory.
Install from Ansible Galaxy
ansible-galaxy install while_true_do.yum
Install from Github
git clone https://github.com/while-true-do/ansible-role-yum.git while_true_do.yum
Used Modules:
# defaults/main.yml
wtd_yum_packages: [ 'yum', 'yum-utils', 'deltarpm', 'yum-langpacks', 'yum-plugin-fastestmirror' ]
wtd_yum_cachedir: '/var/cache/yum/$basearch/$releasever'
wtd_yum_keepcache: '0'
wtd_yum_debuglevel: '2'
wtd_yum_logfile: '/var/log/yum.log'
wtd_yum_exactarch: '1'
wtd_yum_obsoletes: '1'
wtd_yum_gpgcheck: '1'
wtd_yum_plugins: '1'
wtd_yum_installonly_limit: '5'
wtd_yum_bugtracker_url: 'http://bugs.centos.org/set_project.php?project_id=23&ref=http://bugs.centos.org/bug_report_page.php?category=yum'
wtd_yum_distroverpkg: 'centos-release'
wtd_yum_clean_requirements_on_remove: 'yes'
wtd_yum_metadata_expire: '90m'
Simple Example:
- hosts: servers
- { role: while_true_do.yum }
All tests are located in test directory.
Basic testing:
bash ./tests/test-ansible.sh
bash ./tests/test-spelling.sh
bash ./tests/test-whitespace.sh
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This work is licensed under a BSD License.
Site: while-true-do.org
Mail: hello@while-true-do.org