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___________|javascript dev toolset||README|
REPORT Toolset is a development module (running under nodejs environment)
all functions are part of the "Tools" {Object} (namespace)
Tools methods :
stringifyNestedKey(Promise) : verifies if Object Object[key] is well stringified: has no nested object that is not stringified (stringifies if needed)
isJSON : guarantee that the passed variable has a JSON type
noJSONStrings(Promise) : responsible for verifying that Object[key] parsed version of an originally stringified nested object doesnt contain any nested stringified object that should be rendered as a plain object
now(Promise) : pops milliseconds from Date object 'now' method's returned timestamp
sessionExpiry(Promise) : compute the expiry timestamp of a session
ofType : returns the element type of a passed element, distinguishing 'array' type from 'object'
elemType(Promise) : same as 'ofType' promisified
forcedString : force computation of an object{}[] in a displayable form "failMsg" : return a "can't display data" string statement instead of "undefined" is test failed "functionString" : return function type objects as a string "function" instead of stringified function (known issue : cantdisplay fires to often)
empty : return an empty prototype element of a requested type "insert"(any) : insert an element inside the new distributed element "assign"(object, array) : will return one object containing the "insert" object keys/value pairs + the provided "assign" object key/value pairs or array pair indexes as keys and impair indexes as value "preventText"(bool) : if true, return an array of a requested length of null instead of including "insert" as string(default)
respectLen : check if a provided length respects a maximum or minimum : Tools.respectLen(4, {min : 5}) // false "max" : maximum length not to overflow "min" : minimum length not to respect
elemContains : know the real length of an element / how many elements an object contains "numString"(bool) : return length of provided numbers as String(elem).length instead of default number return "fail"(any) : return a provided element of any type instead of default undefined "restrict"(regular typeof or 'array') : request a test to determine if elem has a requested type, otherwise, return the 'fail' element "minLen"(number) : restrict the test to a minimum length, return fail or undefined if passed test result is lower than minLen "maxLen"(number) : restrict the test to a maximum length, return fail or undefined if passed test result is higher than maxLen @notice : important 'function' type is not handled
sameContent : check matching 1 elem vs 1 elem or 1 elem vs [elems...] 'lengthOnly' : test same length only
'length' : test exact matching + same length -
random : returns a random number, accepting a modulo (default : 100000000)
validElem : guarantee the type of an element is known
isPair : guarantee a specific number is pair
report : compute passed element/s of any type in a displayble requested format with display options "type"(bool): improved version of typeof "length": retrieve the real length of elems depending of its type "inspect"(bool or string): 'true' returns all available options / "only" returns all precedent options only "stringify"(boolean): display JSON as strings instead of ranked list default display "highlight"(bool): highlights the report block "step": add a step text/index on title line
"then": add a line after block to display a future step "testStart": add a test top line to indicate start of test "objKeys": display the keys of nested {object} "functionString" : dont display 'function' type objects of 'elems' nested keys as strings but display 'function' instead "from" : function name from which the report comes (or any other displayable information) "returnElement" : returns the provided element -
wrap : call one of Tools methods in an anonymous way (closure) "returnFunction"(bool) : if true, return an executable computed wrapped function containing the passed datas/arguments, if false idem "immediateCall" "immediateCall"(bool) : if true, returns the execution result of the requested wrapped function, else idem "returnFunction" "promisify"(bool) : (not yet implemented, TODO) if true, return a promisified version of the wrapped function, else, return synchronized
reqTypeFrom : request an element of a specific type with any other elements nested within / as content "preventText": return an array of a given length instead of including provided number as a string within OR prevent object text forms [Object object] and render the real object