fix when i turn the tv on after waking the laptop nvidia-setting fuck around with resolution can fix it (i toggle resolution setting, revert changes) screen:emit_signal?

mode for emitting signals any signals user desires lua.eval

oh this other "reader view" idea where you enter the mode then move your mouse to move the client so it wants to place wherever your mouse is in the client in the middle of the screen

ps maybe the default hotkey for modality should be super+space pss now it is

you can do = value directly instead of set_xproperty and get_xproperty, i think should be patched up for handy at least

lua eval in prompt awful.utils.eval

awesome-client overhead loading script, eg requirements then repl and hands on with AWM

notification presets for ui changes eg moved client tag added tag deleted tag think of the web think of the light on the coffee pot

[ c 1 ] focus client at (tag) index 1

battery as progress bar taking up width of screen like the newfangled loading bars some browsers and websites have

haha same for sunlight times ?; progress between sunrise and sunset

move meridian/world clock times to dashboards

modality major mode data-entry keybindings for clients i use a lot eg. jetbrains konsole firefox then map modality keypaths to those (hopefully default) hotkeys these bindings will not have functions; or, they will all have a single function: awful.key:trigger or whatever this would allow like <leader> g n where, in Clion, <leader> g enters the major mode, then n triggers "open file" or whatever CLion hotkey is defined to be :triggered() by that keypath == client-aware keypaths trigger client-specific hotkeys

also todo checkout XCompose for keypaths and chords compositions, eg. ... = elipsis although these seem like kind of a sketchy idea because they are permanent and global, different contexts call for different punctuation ie ... is good for ellipsis in markdown, but lua has variadic functions with args ...

modality what if had an always-on status bar showing you the state of things, like golden-ratio (== mwf inversion) mode focused screen screen padding currently focused client tag mwf tag number of masters

modality should have history, or at least repeat last command

modality it might be nice to (be able to) show breadcrumbs on the menu to answer the question: how did I get here?

client mousebinding double right click = XXX

"tear off" handy/scratch pad client views <hotkey/keypath> causes unmoved (virgin?) client to appear/disappear if and when client is moved by the user, the client is no longer managed by handy/scratchpad and now behaves like a normal client of whatever its class is define "moved by user"? click-and-drag on titlebar moved (repositioned) by mouse otherwise (eg. Super+Clickhold drag) minimized (instead of hide/show toggled) exempt: maximized

or: don't define it, and instead create a function that tears it, assigning the new "tear off" function its own shortcutes yes, shortcutes. anyways, it'd be nice to be able to divorce them from their progenitor because sometimes they grow up and have like 20 tabs of their own and its time for them to get their own screen and be normal grown up client


invert master_width_factor

switch and swap client master -- Do not enable colors to make the CI output more readable.

improve 'stays' ui view for modality; make it more obvious

add client geometry to wibar add client props to wibar

events, events, hook, connections and emits. this is how to decouple defaults from specialties.

a screenshot cron needs ui to show me that its on


special: custom functions and widgets that i like and you maybe wont special.pretty: very especially pretty; stuff that could not work in beautiful icky: my very own keybindings. tightly coupled with: modality: a SpaceMacs-like way of using leader-based keybindings and modes meridian : a widget that shows the time in different places.

maybe todo

colorpicker: a widget that allows you to pick a color from the screen. it should also show a preview of the color you're picking and it should have a history of colors you've picked and maybe a library of colors you've marked as favorites shitty handle errors/debugging better (a pro pro naughty) farty make art


modality run previous command (abstracts to history?) sort order for widget plus table beyond just a fit show available keystrokes in a way that looks like a keyboard instead of a dictionary major mode; per client, with keypaths; make any client work like spacemacs

I am realizing that I want a key/path:function system that is function-centric, rather than binding or keypath centric.

anarchy mindful statefulness use signals listen focus change and/or other events record state; screens, tags, clients set state; raise or focus, raise only, refuse (if collision), replay

i'm always dicking around with Goland trying to get my tab or pane or window group or whatever in a comfortable position (its usually too far left) reasonable magnifier places the current client in a magnified window where my current mouse location in the client is placed in the center of the screen offscreen allowed client should remain centered and maximized vertically

fears: debug mode tail self awesome logs inspect clients, screens, etc stateful widget reloads

i have a lot of screen space and it takes forever to move the mouse from one side to the next territorial: move mouse anywhere in three moves

running Xephyr in a floating window seems ugly xephyr instance of awmtt/awesome should be as equivalent to a real screen as possible but then i need to give a visual indication if awesome is running via awmtt or not, because i currently rely on the Xephyr titlebar to tell me whether I have the mouse and keyboard grabbed, or how to release them

my awesome instance has no idea if its the real deal or a development xephyr instance awesome watch self for reloadable, then load

revisit back definitely i want precisely back exactly (mouse position, etc)

wtf known bugs

naughty.notification does not always show me notifications. see the attempt to send notification in icky.fns.screenshot.delayed, which does not show up at all. see the awful.util.mainmenu freedesktop builder function, the "your menu is loading..." notification does not show up at all either. the issue may be related to "blocking" by adjacent widget actions.

Modality: The modality widget does not get the parent.bindings[code].bindings object (a tree) that I expect it to. The object that the widget gets (parent) does not have (access to?) any of the objects fields that are tables. Fields that are strings or numbers are no problem, eg. bound.n_bindings, bound.label, bound.fn. But bound.bindings and bound.hotkeys are nil.

Modality: alignment does not work properly for the formatting of the textlines that are used to represent functions and keybindings in the search menu (here, rofi).

my mouse does not always behave like i expect it to i use the keyboard to move the mouse around because i use it to shift focus i would like it to always show up where i last left it for each client instead of moving to the middle of it or not coming with me when i switch screens with hints or not coming with me when i cycle through client.focus history with awesome or not allowing me to minimize clients? or not allowing me to move tags on a screen once i've move to a new screen because i'm actually still focused, maybe, somehow on the original screen (mouse left behind?)

fixed bugs

client:move_to_screen() does not maintain the focus on the client. that is: mod+o gets the client to swap screens; but then there is no focused client.

this was because of I removed require("awful.autofocus") from rc.lua this was fixed by implementing a default/passthru fn for the client.request::autofocus signal