
A Quake client-side mod that adds N64/2021 HUD layout to the game.

HUD for Quake

A Quake client-side mod for adding a N64/2021 HUD layout to the game. This layout isn't exactly the same as the 2021 rerelease, but it's close. I used a little artistic license in this mod.

2021 HUD style Team Scores

Because this is a client-side mod, it means you can use it alongside other QuakeC mods (progs.dat) w/out issue.


Simply copy the csprogs.dat file into your id1 or other mod folder.


  • June 2023
    • Add deaths count from Scarlet mod
  • May 2023
    • Autodetect teamplay from Scarlet mod
    • Display hand grenades count from Scarlet mod


  • cl_teams 1 - change scoreboard to teamplay mode (default 0)
  • cl_weapons 1 - will show weapons you possess on the HUD (default 0)
  • cl_hudtest 1 - display all icons on the HUD for testing purposes (default 0)


My understanding is this mod will work on both QS and FTE engines, but if there is an issue the solution would involve swapping out qsextensions.qc w/ fteextensions.qc and recompiling the code.


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