
Useful collection of scripts for working with AWS through the AWS CLI


Useful collection of scripts for working with AWS through the AWS CLI

Searching through WAF logs

If you prefer to easily get and query WAF logs, you can use jq, instead of configuring Athena which is difficult, expensive and error-prone.

# Set all required variables in the shell, adjust accordingly.

# First download all WAF logs
aws s3 cp s3://${albName}/AWSLogs/${accountId}/WAFLogs/${region}/${waf_rule_123}/${filterDate} . --recursive

# Clean up from previous runs, if any
rm -rf ./**/*.log

# Uncompress the log files
gunzip ./**/*.gz

# Select all blocked requests
cat ./**/*.log | jq -c '. | select(."action" == "BLOCK")' | jq '.'

# You can tailor the above query further to narrow down or filter for logs using jq or other tools.

# E.g. showing the number of requests for a given URL path:
cat ./**/*.log | jq -c '. | select(."action" == "BLOCK")' | jq '.httpRequest.uri' | sort | uniq -c

# E.g. showing blocked requests from a particular country with a specific URL path:
cat ./*/.log | jq -c '. | select(."action" == "BLOCK")' | jq 'select(."httpRequest".country == "US")' | jq 'select(.httpRequest.uri == "/login/v-1")' | less