- 7
- 4
Template error line 166 on install
#27 opened by arcascomp - 3
[ERROR] 100@66 Unable to install prerequisites. [ERROR] 100@67 Unknown failure occured.
#21 opened by danthorndyke - 1
unknown failure
#26 opened by GHSTUDIO1 - 2
Fails when container performs update
#25 opened by mkono87 - 1
Would not run on my proxmox
#24 opened by jayroo1976 - 2
[ERROR] 100@64 [ERROR] 100@67
#23 opened by Themk2 - 3
No Samba connection
#15 opened by JedimasterRDW - 1
- 1
- 1
-bash: msg: command not found
#19 opened by arko36 - 2
Fail to install
#18 opened by nunokaneco - 2
Static IP?
#17 opened by maddingamer - 6
- 8
container not able to start.
#14 opened by ktoms71 - 0
- 0
Error creating lxc
#11 opened by rafuz - 0
- 22
- 2
- 4
File not found - 3rd party software
#3 opened by DarrenRatcliffe - 3