
Not Autorized

Opened this issue · 10 comments

Hi my name is magnus and i wantet to instal the grippen mod i put efrithing in the right folders but efry time i start the game it says that i am not autorized für the JAS39. pleas send Help!!!

I dont think its the wrong folder because i dit it like on YouTube or the read me text user, user name, saved games, dcs beta, Mods, airplain and put in in there i dont know what i did wrong but help would be realy nice thanks

Why the F-16 und what should i do with it

What are luna files its my first mod

Ok problem solved i am just an idiot

What is lua files?

Ok problem solved i am just an idiot

how did you solve it i am having very problem

The mod is not working for me i put it in mods folder and everything but nothing is happening can anyone help?