
Plugin for Symfony 1.4 that allow your user confirm their registration. Working with sfGuardUser

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# sfDoctrineGuardConfirmRegister plugin (for symfony 1.4) #

The `sfDoctrineGuardConfirmRegister` is adding you ability to confirm registration by your users.

For proper works, plugin need sfDoctrinePlugin and sfDoctrineGuardPlugin.

## Instalation ##

  * Instal the plugin (via Git)

        git checkout git://github.com/whisller/sfDoctrineGuardConfirmRegisterPlugin.git

  * Activate the plugin in the `config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php`

        class ProjectConfiguration extends sfProjectConfiguration
          public function setup()

  * Rebuild your model

        symfony doctrine:build-model
        symfony doctrine:build-sql

  * Update you database tables by starting from scratch (it will delete all
    the existing tables, then re-create them):

        symfony doctrine:insert-sql

    or do everything with one command

        symfony doctrine:build --all --and-load

  * Enable one or more modules in your `settings.yml`
    * For your frontend application: sfGuardConfirmRegister

              enabled_modules:      [default, sfGuardConfirmRegister]

  * Modify sfGuardRegisterForm

        cp plugins/sfDoctrineGuardPlugin/lib/form/doctrine/sfGuardUserAdminForm.class.php lib/form/doctrine/

        public function save($con = null)

            $this->getEventDispatcher()->notify(new sfEvent($this->object, 'sf_guard_user.register_save_object'));

            return $this->getObject();

  * Add to your aplication app.yml

            retrieve_by_username_callable: [sfGuardConfirmRegisterTable, retrieveByUsername]

  * Clear you cache

        symfony cc

## Customization ##

  * app_sfDoctrineGuardConfirmRegisterPlugin_expire (default 604800 - one week)

        Setup expire time after what user will can not confirm registration

  * app_sfDoctrineGuardConfirmRegisterPlugin_active_user (default true)

        Automaticaly active foreign sfGuardUser

  * app_sfDoctrineGuardConfirmRegisterPlugin_success_confirm_url (default false)

        Url where user will be redirected after success confirmation

## Extension points ##

  * sf_doctrine_guard_confirm_register_plugin.confirm_success

        Event is executed when ConfirmAction is finished. You can use it to add email notification for user and so on :)