UMWP Autochanger is a little tool for multi-monitors windows users. I has two main features :
- randomly and periodically change the wallpaper of all your monitors,
- manage sets of wallpapers, allowing you to quickly change which images are used.
- Windows 7/8 32/64 bits
The application is currently available in English, French and Russian. A translation page has been created on Transifex, feel free to register and contribute.
You can compile the application yourself with Qt Creator.
You will need Qt 5.4.
UMWP originally meant UltraMon Wallpaper. When I removed UltraMon dependency in version 2 I searched a new name that match with the acronym. And I came with Ultimate Monitor Wallpaper, which is very pompous !
UMWP Autochanger is released under GNU General Public License Version 3.