
Minimal HTTP File Server for pentesting written in Go

Primary LanguageGo


Feature-rich HTTP File Server

Features and roadmap

  • UI
    • Show QR Link
    • SHA1 checksum
    • Command line cheatsheet (curl, wget, PS)
      • Upload
      • Download
    • Hot reload
    • Relative last modified
    • Regex filtering
  • Functionality
    • Send message to backend
    • File search using fzf
  • Upload
    • Single file upload
    • Multi file upload
    • Limit upload size
  • Download
    • as ZIP
    • Base64 encode
    • Multi file download
  • Security
    • HTTPS
    • Basic Auth
      • Can store as hashed password
    • Can disable directory listing
    • Can disable upload
    • Can disable zip
    • Regex listing
  • Others
    • Log to file
    • Minify JS on build
    • Show version
    • Specify ip, port, dir

Getting started

# running in current directory

# specifying parameters
./gohfs -host -port 8081 -dir /tmp 

# https
./gohfs -tls -cert selfsigned.cert -key selfsigned.key

# disable directory listing
./gohfs -hide

# authentication
./gohfs -user gopher -pass gopher # raw password
./gohfs -user gopher -hpass 9cc1ee455a3363ffc504f40006f70d0c8276648a5d3eb3f9524e94d1b7a83aef # sha256 hashed

# getting help
./gohfs -h