
This offline tool is not supported and is provided for informational purposes only.

Primary LanguagePython


This offline tool is not supported and is provided for informational purposes only. This tool is dependent on Python 2.7.

''' ' ' Shellshock Test - CVE-2014-6271 ' Written by Tripwire VERT (http://www.tripwire.com/vert) ' ' This offline tool is not supported and is provided for informational purposes only. ' This tool uses Python - license information is available here: http://opensource.org/licenses/Python-2.0 ' '''

usage: shellshock_test.py [-h] [--path [PATH]] [--paths [PATHS]] [--target [TARGET]] [--targets [TARGETS]] [--spider [SPIDER]] [--url [URL]] [--log [LOG]] [--ssl [SSL]] {local,remote}

Contains two modes of operation:

local - requires no arguments, tests the local bash prompt for CVE-2014-6271.

remote - two test methods, requires additional options. Tests an HTTP Server for CVE-2014-6271.

Method 1:
--path / --paths - Specify a single path via command line or a path-per-line file of paths to test. 
--target / --targets - Specify a single target via command line or a target-per-line file of targets to test. [Format: ip:port]

Method 2:
--spider - Specify a local file path to pull file names from to test. 
--url -- Specify the url to append the local file names to. 

Additional options: --ssl - Test hosts via SSL --log - Enable logging to a file rather than stdout

Note that this script only returns vulnerable matches

Additional information available from: http://www.tripwire.com/vert/shellshock-bash-bug/