Thin Industrial Internet Protocol
TIIP is a wire protocol using JSON as its infoset. It is created for lightweight messaging in IoT solutions. It is loosely defined to support custom API creation.
Key | For | Json data type | Valid values | Mandatory |
pv | Protocol version | String | tiip.3.0 | Yes |
ts | Timestamp | String | Yes | |
lat | Latency | String | No | |
mid | Message ID | String | No | |
sid | Session ID | String | No | |
type | Type | String | No | |
ok | Success/Failure | Boolean | No | |
ten | Tenant | String | No | |
src | Source(s) | Array of String | No | |
targ | Target | Array of String | No | |
arg | Arguments | Object | No | |
ch | Data channel | String | No | |
sig | Signal | String | No | |
pl | Payload | Array | No |
Protocol name & version. Ex: "tiip.3.0"
The timestamp of the message must be in the following ISO 8601 format:
Include as many decimals as needed for increased accuracy. Typically milliseconds, but some applications might require higher precision.
Latency or time difference of the message in seconds as string. Typically registered by a central server as the message arrives by comparing ts with the current time of the centralized node.
Message ID. To identify an answer to a request for instance, in asynchronous communication.
Session ID/token. To identify a session in case of non-implicit sessions.
Some different standard values are:
- init, kill: Messages for persistent connections, a "login" message (answered with rep) and a disconnect message.
- req, rep: Request-reply pattern.
- sub: Publish-subscribe pattern: Subscription request.
- pub, unsub: Publish-subscribe pattern: Publication and unsubscribe messages (no replies).
- create, read, update, delete: The standard "CRUD": the four basic functions of persistant storage, to use instead of req if desired.
Simple boolean key in reply messages only, that indicates the outcome - if it was successful or failed.
ID of a tenant in a multi-tenancy solution.
Path of ID(s) of the origin module(s) or node(s).
The targeted process(es) or sub-system(s). Specifically an array of IDs that the receiver can use to route the message internally.
Parameters/switches to specify a request even deeper. Often regarded as the "arguments" to the requested API "function" specified in sig
. Not to confuse with pl
which is actual data or content.
The data channel, as a string, that carries the data. Suitable in the pub/sub pattern.
Meant to be used as the "function" of the API between 2 communication nodes -- the operation or command to the receiver. (arg
contains the function's "arguments".)
Actual content or data to be sent, as a list.
- Sensor values (push data from a device)
- User records (as answer on a request to a database module)
- Notification records published on an internal bus channel
- An error message
A gateway sends position data to the server:
"pv": "tiip.3.0",
"ts": "2019-04-08T19:32:32.598278Z",
"type": "pub",
"sig": "updatePosition",
"arg": { "channelId": "x72iuP" },
"src": ["gpsSensor239"],
"pl": [{ "long": 59.21625, "lat": 10.93167 }]
Message from the server to a gateway that the motor should be stopped:
"pv": "tiip.3.0",
"ts": "2019-04-08T19:36:32.598Z",
"type": "req",
"targ": ["g13", "motor"],
"sig": "stop"
Message from a web client to make a change in the configuration data of a user:
"pv": "tiip.3.0",
"ts": "2019-04-08T19:37:32.4Z",
"type": "req",
"targ": ["configuration"],
"sig": "updateUserDashboard",
"arg": { "id": "4Xd0hN3z", "widgets": ["map", "temperature", "alarms"] }
"-" ignored or not present
Keys | init |
type | init |
mid | message-id |
arg | Init-arguments (id, password, ...) |
Further, targ, sig and pl can be used for specific purposes. As an example, targ can be used to target the use of a certain client controller or session type.
"-" ignored or not present
Keys | sub (realtime) | sub (conf changes) | unsub (realtime) | unsub (conf changes) | pub (realtime) |
type | sub | sub | unsub | unsub | pub |
ts | - | - | - | - | time |
ten | tenant-id | tenant-id | tenant-id | tenant-id | tenant-id |
src | - | - | - | - | source(s) |
targ | - | conf | - | conf | - |
arg | {"subChannel": sub-channel} | {"action": CUD, "entityClass": entity-class, "rid": record-id} | - | - | {"subChannel": sub-channel} |
ch | channel-record-id | - | channel | channel | channel-record-id |
sig | - | - | - | - | data |
pl | - | - | - | - | data |
Keys | sub (realtime) | sub (conf changes) | unsub (realtime) | unsub (conf changes) | pub (realtime) |
type | rep | rep | - | - | - |
ok | true/false | true/false | - | - | - |
pl | channel/error-message | channel/error-message | - | - | - |
Keys | pub (realtime) | pub (conf changes) |
type | pub | pub |
ts | time | time |
src | source(s) | source(s) |
ch | channel | channel |
sig | data | data |
pl | data | data |
Latency (lat) can be appended to the message as it reaches a server or central message brokering system.
Keys | req |
type | req |
mid | message-id |
ten | tenant-id |
targ | module-id |
arg | API-function-arguments |
sig | API-function |
Keys | rep |
type | rep |
mid | mirrored-message-id |
ok | true/false |
sig | error-code |
pl | data/error-message |
- ct renamed to ts and old ts removed.
- lat (latency) added.
- Timestamp updated to ISO 8601 (earlier epoch time).