
Minimal Huff Deployer Library

Primary LanguageSolidity

Huff Runner

Minimal Huff Deployment Library.

The following functions are exposed by importing.

signature functionality
compile(Vm vm, string memory path) returns (bytes memory) compiles huff file by path
create(bytes bytecode, uint256 value) returns (address) deploys with create
create2(bytes bytecode, uint256 value, bytes32 salt) returns (bytes32) deploys with create2
appendArgs(bytes bytecode, bytes32[] memory args) appends args to bytecode


import "forge-std/Script.sol";
import {compile, create} from "huff-runner/Deploy.sol";

using { compile } for Vm;
using { create } for bytes;

contract HuffDeployScript is Script {
    function run() {

        address deployment = vm.compile("huff/MyContract.huff").create({value: 0});
