
Diagnostic and repair scripts for hbase administrators

Primary LanguageRuby


This is a collection of administrative scripts to find and fix problems with HBase clusters.

These are based on bin/add_table.rb from hbase 0.20.3, with the following exceptions:

- list_regions.rb (from scratch)

Finding missing regions

This is just a health check - it lists any regions that aren’t listed in .META. by looking for end keys that don’t have a corresponding start key.


/path/to/hbase/bin/hbase org.jruby.Main ./find_missing_regions.rb /hdfs/path/to/table

For example, if you have your hbase data in /hbase/ on HDFS, and you want to find missing regions in the ‘mytable’ table:

/path/to/hbase/bin/hbase org.jruby.Main ./find_missing_regions.rb /hbase/mytable

Fixing missing regions

This does the same as find_missing_regions.rb, however, it additionally:

  • crawls HDFS to find the files corresponding to the missing regions

  • inserts the regions back into .META.


After inserting a missing region, all regions after the missing region are unreachable for a short while (< 40 seconds when we tried this, but your milage may vary), eg if you have the following regions:

  • ^-a

  • a-b

  • b-c

  • c-$

But .META. only lists:

  • ^-a

  • b-c

  • c-$

After inserting ‘a-b’ again, ‘b-c’ and ‘c-$’ will be unreachable for a short while.


/path/to/hbase/bin/hbase org.jruby.Main ./fix_missing_regions.rb /hdfs/path/to/table

Finding overlapping regions

This is just a diagnostic tool; it doesn’t fix the problem. This picks up situations like when the following regions are in .META.:

  • ^-a

  • a-c

  • a-b

  • b-c

  • c-$

a-b and b-c overlap with a-c in this case.


/path/to/hbase/bin/hbase org.jruby.Main ./find_overlapping_regions.rb TableName

Listing regions

list_regions.rb can list all regions in a table, their online/offline state, and what server they are on. It also optionally filters by online/offline state.

This reads directly from .META., so is handy for checking that a ‘disable’ has really worked across all the region servers - for a use case, see: web.archiveorange.com/archive/v/gMxNAJ9pszuhbGFmgyE9


/path/to/hbase/bin/hbase org.jruby.Main ./list_regions.rb TableName [all|online|offline]

If none out of all, online, or offline is specified, the default is ‘all’ (unfiltered).

Finding online regions of a table

scrape_online_regions.rb lists all the regions that are online in a specified table for a given list of regionserver hosts. The regionservers must be running the web interface on port 60030.

This scrapes the web interface, as we had a situation where .META. said every single region for our table was offline, however, the region servers themselves were still serving some regions - this led to problems after doing an alter. In other words:

- if you want to check what the master thinks, use list_regions.rb
- if you want to check what the region servers think, use scrape_online_regions.rb


This is a regular ruby script, not a JRuby script.

./scrape_online_regions.rb MyTableName host1 host2 host3 ...