- 0
WSTagsField isScrollEnabled FIXME still not fixed: auto scrolling is not occuring
#168 opened by adamvnovak - 0
Apple M2 error building on Simulator
#167 opened by DmytroYashchenko - 2
- 1
Need to add # when add tag.
#157 opened by BlackGold-1989 - 0
#164 opened by mazzharr - 7
App stucks when the text field is tapped and the keyboard appears (iOS 15 - iPhone 7)
#162 opened by mibrahim025 - 4
- 1
- 0
SwiftUI app crash on invalidateIntrinsicContentSize()
#159 opened by tryboxx - 3
How to set tag limit in WSTagsField ?
#155 opened by arunpandiyanp - 2
Increase field height to fit multi line placeholder
#152 opened by imthath-m - 0
Tag input does't render with specific tags?
#151 opened by 1dolinski - 0
Attributed placeholder
#150 opened by adityativ - 1
View Size not increase as in TableView Cell
#149 opened by luckymehndiratta - 4
Arabic Support
#133 opened by KiranDhokale8118 - 3
- 3
Question about isFirstResponder
#142 opened by ibeleliev - 4
Multiple Delimiter support
#140 opened by rizwan95 - 2
- 7
sizeToFit not implemented
#92 opened by Pe-te - 3
Miscalculation of `isScrollEnabled`
#134 opened by lawmaestro - 2
Package.swift has incorrect platform version
#129 opened by megajess - 1
Manage multiple WSTagsField with one delegate
#138 opened by Ge0ffreyS - 2
Become First Responder doesn't work
#136 opened by johnharutyunyan - 6
- 4
Feature Request: cornerRadius of TagViews
#122 opened by herschel1105 - 3
XCode 11.0, Swift 5.0 (Memory and Cpu usage 100%), app crashed or stucked
#126 opened by jitendraIntesols - 1
Incorrect platform version in Package.swift
#130 opened by megajess - 1
Incorrect platform version in Package.swift
#131 opened by megajess - 7
Crashes occur in iOS versions except for iOS13
#127 opened by Masaokb - 4
- 6
If select tag and pickker image
#124 opened by SurachetY - 8
- 1
Crash when trying to remove layerBoundsObserver.
#125 opened by renatokorez - 2
remove autocorrection
#120 opened by amatig - 5
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reason: 'Cannot remove an observer <_NSKeyValueObservation 0x600001be8150> for the key path "layer.bounds" from <WSTagsField.WSTagsField 0x7fad1b119000> because it is not registered as an observer.'
#119 opened by mroffmix - 1
New update 5.0.0 nothing works
#115 opened by amatig - 1
How to show keyboard in the field from code?
#114 opened by Pirokar - 1
#107 opened by sachithamh - 2
Swift 5
#112 opened by ricardopereira - 1
Getting the string value from the text field?
#111 opened by boldlion - 1
reloadInputViews causes keyboard to close
#109 opened by jamesyorke - 4
- 2
- 5
Crash open/close viewcontroller modal
#103 opened by amatig - 4
Feature Request: Case insensitive comparison
#93 opened by Pe-te - 2
NSKVODeallocate crash
#90 opened by mohammadabushalhoob - 2
how to get array of tags?
#94 opened by furqan1144 - 2
Using WSTagField in Custom Table View.
#91 opened by gkhanacer - 3
Change Font Size
#89 opened by gkhanacer