
Analyzers, code fixers and custom completion for Xamarin projects

Primary LanguageC#

Xamarin CodeAnalysis

Analyzers, code fixers and custom completion for Xamarin projects


In order to dogfood the enhanced code analysis, follow these steps:

Visual Studio

  1. Configure a new feed in the Extensions settings pointing to https://xamci.azurewebsites.net/feed/xamarin/CodeAnalysis:

Tools | Options, Environment > Extensions

  1. Once configured, click on Extensions > Manage Extensions and go to the Online tab. The new extension will be available under the Xamarin Code Analysis node:

Xamarin Code Analysis extension

  1. After installation, the extension will appear under the Installed node:

Xamarin Code Analysis installed

Note the Version field on the details pane.

  1. You can check for updates from the Online tab. Whenever a version newer than the one you have currently installed is available, you can just click Download and after restarting the IDE, it will be applied:

Xamarin Code Analysis installed


First build:

  • Open an administrator developer command prompt and run msbuild Xamarin.CodeAnalysis.sln /restore

This is necessary because the extension provides MSBuild targets that need to be symlinked from the Exp hive location to the VsInstallDir\MSBuild location, which requires elevation.

Subsequent/incremental builds:

  • Just open Xamarin.CodeAnalysis.sln and build/run (using Xamarin.CodeAnalysis.Windows as the startup project on Windows)